I am reading your Manifesting Guide for the 2nd time and getting more from it than 1st time. Truly helpful and transformative! 

It ties everything perfectly together, clarifies, and reminds me of what I forgot.  It is interesting how you were able to create it for someone new but also for an already focused conscious manifestor – it gives to everyone over and over. 


Also, I do not want to keep bragging in class, but I discovered Neville a year ago and been listening to your podcasts daily, which helped me ease into this teaching…YET, adding the CM Guide, Group Coaching, and meditations, I am happier, more confident, and recently experiencing “unbelievable” manifestations —  even desires I forgot I wanted, and all manifesting in FUNNY effortless ways. It almost seems unfair, but I am so appreciative because after 8 years of unsuccessful law of attraction, I feel I am finally making some sense of life lol!