Everything You Need to Know About States

A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by. Always expressing a state, you indentify with it by saying: ” I am poor or I am rich. I am known or I am unknown. I am wanted or I am unwanted. ” – Neville Goddard
I see a lot of posts and questions on my Facebook group, YouTube channel, and from people asking for my help that give away a fundamental clue, and that clue is the state that those people are in. Another clue is that I can tell that their state doesn’t match their desire. The thing is that as long as your state doesn’t match your desire you won’t be able to manifest such desire in your 3D reality. Because, in order to manifest what you want, you have to BE what you want, as Neville has repeated so many times.
So, if you want to understand what states are and how vital they are to your manifestation, be sure to read this article all the way to the end. Because, I promise you that once you get this, you’ll be unstoppable.
What a State is NOT
Before we consider what a state is, let’s first analyze what a state is NOT, so you won’t have to be confused ever again and you will be able to manifest your desire so much better and faster.
States are not emotions. This is probably the most common mistake that people make thanks to the law of attraction teaching that tells people that they need to feel emotions to manifest. This is false. You don’t need to feel emotions to manifest, you need to be in the state that matches your desire, not being “emotional” about it. Once you get that, you are already halfway there.
For example, once you are in that relationship that you want so much, you won’t be jumping up and down every day of your life. Once you have that career that you want, you won’t be spending your days being overly excited about it. Once you get the money and/or the dream house that you want so much, you won’t be spending the rest of your life in amazement. Once you have all those things, they will become your normal. They will become your normal because you will have embodied the states that match those things.
Many people believe that they need to feel happy and excited to manifest their specific person, and that’s why they are saying that they can’t visualize because when they can’t feel happy or excited (emotional) during their visualization. Some people have told me that they feel exhausted after a while because they are forcing themselves to feel emotions. Some people have told me that they can’t do it because they feel unwanted emotions. If you are doing any of these things, you are doing it wrong. Feeling any emotions doesn’t necessarily imply that you are in a relationship or married. That’s not what living in the end of being in a relationship is.
What would imply that you are married or in a relationship, it’s the STATE OF BEING married or in a relationship. What would you be doing? How would you be reacting to the world? How would you walk and talk? How would people see you… if you had your desire? This is what Neville called feeling or feeling it natural, but it has nothing to do with emotions. Feeling emotional is NOT a state.
What Does it Mean to BE in a State
You can satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be. And this assumption though false, that is, although reason and the senses deny it, if persisted in will harden into fact. – Neville Goddard
Our 3D life is made of multiple states. We are in multiple states throughout the course of a single day. Your states are your identities, what you believe about yourself, how you see yourself. Not your emotions while wearing those states. The fact that I am happy or sad doesn’t take me out of the state of being a loving wife or stepmom, because me being happy or sad are just emotions. So I may be going through various emotions while being in the state of being a loving wife and/or stepmom.
Besides being a wife and a stepmom, I am a coach, I am a writer, I am a trilingual person, I am a good cook, I am a homemaker, I am an animal lover, I am a nature lover and many other states that I occupy. As you can see none of those states have anything to do with my moods and emotions. I can still be wearing all those states while laughing, crying, being anxious, or being neutral.
Being a doctor is a state, being a firefighter is a state, being a factory worker is a state, being a man is a state, being a woman is a state, your sexual orientation is a state, being poor is a state, being rich is a state, being a parent is a state. As you can see, here again, none of those states have anything to do with your moods, your happiness or lack thereof, or any other emotions. If you wanted to manifest any of those states, you would just have to embody them and feel from the inside out that you are this or that.
For example, if right now you are in the state of being single and lonely, you are not in the state of being a wife or husband. If you are in a state of being rejected, you are not in a state of being loved and wanted. In such a case, your awareness/consciousness is contradicting your desires. You cannot manifest what you are not conscious of being because your reality IS your consciousness. This is why Neville said, “you don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you are.”
If you feel single, lonely, and rejected, then, what you are doing, how you are reacting to the world, how you walk and talk, how people are seeing you… is reflecting your state of being single, lonely, and rejected. As long as you are staying in that state, you won’t be able to manifest your desire of being in a romantic relationship or marriage. On the contrary, you will manifest more loneliness and rejection.
If right now you feel poor and broke, you won’t be able to manifest money and wealth. If you feel sick, you won’t be able to manifest health, etc. In order to manifest your desire, you need to embody the state that implies that you are what you want to be. You need to embody the feeling of being what you want to be. You have to embody the feeling even though your current 3D is denying it.
Signs Will Follow Your State
Signs follow, they never precede. – Neville Goddard
When you are looking for signs of your manifestation while you are not even occupying the state yet, it’s like looking if a seed that you have not planted, yet, has grown. Signs will follow your state, but they will never precede it.
Neville said, “Disengage yourself from the whole vast belief that you formerly entertained, and hold on in your imagination to the concept that you ARE the man that you want to be… For you will RESSURECT and make alive the state that began only as a concept. If you remain faithful to the concept you will be led right into the fulfillment of that state. It is called, in the Bible, re-birth.“
When you want to manifest money, you need to leave your state of being poor behind. When you want to manifest a relationship, you need to leave your state of being single and lonely. When you want to manifest health you need to leave your state of being sick behind. As long as you are occupying an opposite or contradictory state of that which you need to embody to manifest your desire, you won’t manifest such desire. So, looking for signs when you’re not even in the state of your wish fulfilled, yet, is the wrong way to go about it. Instead, embody the state that matches your desire in your imagination, first, and then signs will start appearing and your desire will be manifesting.
I say to everyone: you can be anything you want to be, but you cannot be double-minded. You are told, Let no one believe that – having looked into the mirror, turns away and forgets what he looks like – that he will receive anything from the Lord, for the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” – Neville Goddard
Something that we often hear in the manifesting community, it’s that some people want an apology from their sp. But if you want an apology is this living in the end of your wish fulfilled? Can you both live in the end of being in a loving, committed relationship and want an apology from your sp at the same time? The answer is, no. If you are in need of an apology you are in the state of being hurt. On the other hand, living in the end of your wish fulfilled should mean that you are happily living in your relationship and that any apology has already happened (or not), but it doesn’t even matter anymore.
That’s what Neville called being double-minded. You cannot manifest your desire if you are double-minded about it, because on one hand you’re saying you want something, but on the other you are living in the end of something completely opposite.
Only when one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be. – Neville Goddard
When you want to manifest your desire, you need to be clear about it, because “God is not to be fooled” as says the Bible, meaning that you can’t expect to get something when you are contradicting what you’re saying that you want. Your mouth is saying I want this, but your thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately your state is saying otherwise. On the other hand, when you are in agreement with yourself, and in the right state your desire is yours.
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