Have You Bought the Pearl of Great Price?

It takes everything that we own as beliefs that we think are powers to guide our life to pay for the pearl of great price. If you think for one moment you can hold on to one little thing in the event this doesn’t work, you can’t buy the pearl. And this pearl is your own wonderful human imagination. That’s the pearl of great price. – Neville Goddard
What is the pearl of great price? Is it important that you learn about that pearl of great price that you need to buy? And why should you buy it? In this article, I am going to attempt to answer these questions.
If you are new to Neville Goddard’s teaching, I strongly encourage you to read this article attentively, because once you get this, really get this, you will have fully understood what it takes to be the God of your reality and to create a life by design rather than by “chance.” But also, you will know how to trust YOUR-SELF more rather than 3-dimensional signs.
Neville himself had to buy the pearl of great price in order to become the marvelous teacher that he became. In his past, he was just like you and me, he believed in things that he had to leave behind completely. He had to sell (give up) those beliefs in order to buy the pearl of great price. Was it worth it for him? Well, let’s put it this way, he never once regretted it and he never wanted to go back. But even more importantly, it’s because he bought the pearl that almost 50 years after he has gone he is still teaching us about this jewel today.
What Does it Mean to Buy the Pearl of Great Price?
If you think for one moment you can hold on to one little thing in the event this doesnât work, you canât buy the pearl. And so when I buy the pearl, I go all out and live by it. And there is no other being in this world, just this pearl, and I live by it. This pearl is your own wonderful human Imagination. â Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard used to be in astrology. He would read people’s astrology chart and even taught this technique to others in his early days. But in order to accept the fact that he was God of his reality, he had to sell this belonging of his. So he did. He sold those old beliefs in order to buy the pearl. In order to accept the fact that all he ever needed existed within. In his wonderful human imagination.
If you want to become a master manifestor, if you want to have full control of your life, you too, need to leave behind the things that are holding you back, and at times even holding you hostage. Such things are beliefs about the horoscope, tarot card readings, psychic readings, rituals, luck, superstitions, and even signs, to name of few.
If you have discovered Neville Goddard’s teaching and are in the process of manifesting your desires, but still holding onto some of those old belongings of yours, you have not yet bought the pearl of great price.
Everyone in the world is using this only power, but they donât know it. So heâs trying to bring us to the knowledge of this power and the wise use of it. Itâs called – as we first quoted it – âThe Pearl of Great Price.â
So great is this pearl, so valuable, it takes everything that you own to buy it.
Now you donât go and liquidate your stocks and bonds⌠you donât sell your homes; you donât sell anything in the world of Caesar.
But it takes everything that you now believe in other than it to pay for it.
You believe in astrology? Youâve got to sell it.
You believe in numerology, in teacup leaves, in all these things? No matter what you believe in as power to control you, youâve got to sell it.
It takes the belief – all these beliefs – and youâve got to sell them. No one will buy them from you! But you give them up as value-less! Therefore, thereâs no price attached, no value whatsoever. But you canât hold on to one thing you now believe in as a power that controls your life and still hope to buy the pearl of great price.
Everything you now believe in… you’ve got to sell it.
There is no way to God but Christ. I AM the way. There is no other way. Neville Goddard – The Pearl of Great Price (Lecture).
I think that Neville Goddard couldn’t be any clearer in explaining what it means to sell our old beliefs in order to buy that pearl. Because once you’ve got the pearl, there’s nothing else you’ll ever need. Like the Bible says, Neville Goddard’s textbook says, “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” This is so true. Once you learn about spiritual truth, it sets you free from the things that used to enslave you. You truly feel free and fearless. At least,F that’s how I and many people who share my feelings have felt, once they discovered and understood spiritual law.
Nothing outside of yourself, your I AMness, has the power to give life to anything. There is NO power outside of you that can give you, allow you, or grant you anything. There is nothing outside of you that manifest YOUR desire. If you have fully understood this and are living by it, then, you have sold your old belongings (that are valueless) and you have bought the pearl of great price.
The reason why Neville put emphasis on buying the pearl it’s because the main reason why people are struggling to manifest their desires it’s because they rely on something or someone outside of themselves to manifest their own desires. Even when you rely on techniques such as visualization, SATS (state akin to sleep), whispering, and so on… to manifest, you still have not fully understood that the true power is within. YOU are the operant power, and all you need is to BELIEVE/ASSUME that you are.
It’s not the technique that you are using that manifests, it’s YOU. You are simply using the technique as a helper. The same way as it is not my hands writing these words, it’s my brain, my mind, and deep down my subconscious mind, but it is not my hands. My hands without the mind wouldn’t be able to do fudge. Remember this when you manifest. You are the power. YOU manifest. Not the techniques that you are using.
Have You Bought the Pearl?
Even in the Neville Goddard’s teaching community it’s not uncommon to read comments from people who are still seeking answers from tarot card readers, healers, signs, and so on. If this is you, it means that you haven’t yet bought the pearl of great price. You are still trusting things outside of you more then you are trusting your own God-Self. You believe that if only someone or something could give you a sign, an answer, some hope, then you would feel better.
If this is where you are at the moment, don’t beat yourself up, that’s OK, you are where you are. In our spiritual journey, we’ve all been there at some point. However, if you want to take full advantage of this power, I suggest that you start saving now to buy that pearl of great price. But since that pearl of great price won’t be bought with money, what do you have to save for?
How Do You Buy the Pearl of Great Price?
So great is this pearl, so valuable, it takes everything that you own to buy it. Now you donât go and liquidate your stocks and bonds⌠you donât sell your homes; you donât sell anything in the world of Caesar. But it takes everything that you now believe in other than it to pay for it. – Neville Goddard
Indeed, you won’t be able to buy the pearl of great price with money. But you are going to have to sell everything that you believe. This is why, if you have ever been coached by me you’ve probably heard me say that once you come to this teaching you have to forget pretty much everything you’ve known. Because a good chunk of what we used to know and believe belongs to the old man, the old us.
We come to understand that we can’t both believe in a God outside of us and being the operant power at the same time. We can’t both believe that we are God of our reality, and “ask permission to the universe” or some tarot card readers if we can or cannot have our desire. We can’t both believe that we are the whole world pushed out and at the same time blame that same world for what happens to us.
So, when I say that you have to start “saving now,” I mean this, you need to start putting this into your head.
Once you’ve given up on your old beliefs you have to adopt a new discipline, a new knowledge, a new way of seeing and understanding life. Once you really get the hang of this, you are going to become pretty much fearless, because will you know that you truly are the God of your reality and the sole operant power of your life.
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