Specific Person Archives - Manifesting With Sylviane https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/category/specific-person/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 07:11:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/cropped-manifesting-logo-32x32.jpg Specific Person Archives - Manifesting With Sylviane https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/category/specific-person/ 32 32 How to Have Faith in Your Desires When There is Zero 3D Evidence https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/how-to-have-faith-in-your-desires-when-there-is-zero-3d-evidence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-have-faith-in-your-desires-when-there-is-zero-3d-evidence Thu, 17 Feb 2022 12:28:40 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=1034 By: Kayla Pasko When we have a desire, whether it be for success in a certain career, more financial abundance, or a relationship with a specific person, we automatically begin to question the who, what, when, and how. While our higher self knows that everything we are currently experiencing is all a perfect part of...

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By: Kayla Pasko

When we have a desire, whether it be for success in a certain career, more financial abundance, or a relationship with a specific person, we automatically begin to question the who, what, when, and how. While our higher self knows that everything we are currently experiencing is all a perfect part of the desire unfolding, our human mind wants to constantly question the process based on what we are seeing in the world without.

Most of us come from a background where we were taught to deny ourselves of what we truly desire. In many religious and spiritual teachings, we are taught that we must accept the facts of life—even when they produce feelings of pain or suffering—in order to learn and grow.

However, in the conscious manifesting community, we are taught the opposite. When we happen upon these beautiful teachings, we are told that we can in fact be and have everything we want, regardless of any past or present circumstances. But when we hold onto past experiences that contradict these lovely truths, it can sometimes feel as if we are deluding ourselves, or like it’s all too good to be true. It’s easier to accept the facts as they are and to believe that we must strive for what we want, as opposed to resting in the knowing that everything we want is already
ours. This is where building faith in our awareness as God and gaining a deeper understanding of where our desires spring from comes into play.

Your Desires are From the God Within You

Look upon your desires as the spoken words of God and every word of prophecy of that which you are capable of being. Do not question whether you are worthy or unworthy to realize these desires. Accept them as they come to you. Give thanks for them as though they were gifts. Feel happy and grateful for having received such wonderful gifts. Then go your way in peace.
– Neville Goddard, Your Faith is your Fortune

Your desires are from the God within you, and therefore anything you are seeing in the 3D world—such as a lack of evidence for your desires—has zero say in whether you may or may not receive them. Selecting what you wish to experience, and allowing your desires to unfold in the physical world, is solely dependent on you.

Remembering this truth is often easier said than done, especially in the case of manifesting a specific person. Maybe they have left you for the time being, and you are fighting an old story from the past. When we understand that our
desires are the spoken words of God, and that we are one with everyone and everything, we can begin to transcend the part of us that wants to question whether we are worthy of our desires, or whether we are doing the right thing.

It’s also important to remember that your desires don’t just serve you, but they serve other people as well. So whether it’s the desire to be in a loving relationship with your person, or to be in the career of your dreams, trust that it is in the best interest of everyone involved. You would never be given a desire if you didn’t already have the means to manifest it, and if it were not for the benefit of everyone involved. God makes no mistake.

What Having Faith in our Desires and Persisting Actually Means

Since we know that our desires are God given, why do we need to have faith and persist in them? The words faith and persistence might sound like we need to do some sort of work to receive our desires, but it is actually quite the contrary. Having faith in our desires and persisting simply means that we are enjoying our lives as they are right now, all while knowing that we already are the person that we wish to be.

With that being said, this does not mean disregarding difficult emotions and forcing ourselves to believe. Instead, we can allow ourselves to feel and release unpleasant emotions from a place of understanding that every thought and feeling we are experiencing is leading us to the fulfillment of our desired reality, even if it seems contrary.

This, to me, is what it means to persist and have faith in my desires. When I allow myself to feel my emotions, all while remembering who I really am, those negative thought patterns and feelings eventually fade away, and faith and persistence comes naturally.

Connecting with our Inner God

Part of the reason we join the conscious manifesting community is because we want to “get” something, and that’s perfectly okay to want beautiful things for yourself and others. However, we often become so focused on manifesting our desires, that we sometimes miss out on what this spiritual journey is all about, which is connecting with our inner God, our I AM.

In the beginning of my spiritual journey, I was always looking for information in the 3D world, because that’s what I was used to. I would over consume information, seeking validation for my desires from outside sources, and looking for the answers to my questions in social media posts, YouTube videos, or online blogs like this one (wink). But it wasn’t until I began to connect with my higher self that answers to questions started to come to me, and they didn’t come from the 3D world—they came from within me.

I have told you that I AM; if therefore ye seek Me, let these go their way. – John 18:8

The more we connect to the Lord, which is our consciousness, the need to seek answers and advice on the outside, decreases. I intend that everyone reading this will take time out of each day to connect to their inner God, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. After doing so, the answers and “signs” that you are looking for will be sure to follow. That is when having faith in who you truly are, and persisting in your desires becomes a breeze.

Kayla is a freelance writer based in New York City. She began her spiritual journey with the law of assumption in 2021, and now considers Neville Goddard to be one of her greatest teachers. Her goal is to help others learn who they truly are, so that they too may use these beautiful teachings to transform their lives for the better.


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Why Your External World Hasn’t Caught up Yet? https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/why-your-external-world-hasnt-caught-up-yet/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-your-external-world-hasnt-caught-up-yet Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:34:33 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=1021 I’ve worked on my self-concept, I’ve worked on my imagination, and I’ve affirmed…, so why hasn’t my external world caught up yet? Many people are asking this question all over the manifesting community. Why is it that even though it seems that you’re doing the work, your external world (3D world), doesn’t reflect that yet?...

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I’ve worked on my self-concept, I’ve worked on my imagination, and I’ve affirmed…, so why hasn’t my external world caught up yet? Many people are asking this question all over the manifesting community.

Why is it that even though it seems that you’re doing the work, your external world (3D world), doesn’t reflect that yet? what are you missing?

Well, in this article, we’ll be discussing the reasons why you are under that impression, and what needs to change in your awareness for you to experience your desires in your external world.

The Shift has to Happen Within First

Men believe in the reality of the external world because they do not know how to focus and condense their powers to penetrate its thin crust. Strangely enough, it is not difficult to penetrate this view of the senses. To remove the veil of the senses, we do not employ great effort; the objective world vanishes as we turn our attention from it. – Neville Goddard

The truth is that it’s not because we are doing the “work” that we have truly shifted in consciousness yet. That’s the case for many people who are still relatively new to this teaching, or who have not fully understood how the law works. Truthfully, for most people, there is a learning curve before we get that aha moment, that shift in consciousness. And that learning curve is different for each individual.

I speak to a lot of people who have discovered this law within the past couple of years, and I see how each of those people is progressing differently. I’ve seen people getting a huge shift in just a few weeks, and others not so much. But this is not a race, each individual will grow at their own rhythm. It’s a journey, it’s your journey, and you are growing at your own rhythm, because no matter what I may teach you, no matter what other coaches and teachers may teach you, no matter how much you’ve read from Neville and other mystic teachers, you will absorb that information based on YOUR level of consciousness/awareness at this time. That inner level of understanding, no one can change it for you, only you can.

This said, because creation is finished, all you’ll ever have to understand already exists, you just have to align yourself with it. And that process is called our journey to awakening.

I am writing those lines based on my experience for having helped many people with understanding the law thus far, and I am well aware, that no matter what I teach and how I teach it, its the person on the other end of that teaching that will use that information according to their own level of consciousness. This is why not two people progress at the same speed and to the same level at the same time.

This is why, while the law is one law and is the same for everyone, not every single person will understand and apply the law the same way. This said, the law itself does apply the same way to everyone, and your results will depend on what you are from within. You need to turn your attention from within, and depending on how you turn your attention from within, it will reflect in your external world.

The Issue Behind Manifesting an SP

One of the admins of my Facebook group has recently manifested her SP after two years. She wrote several posts about her journey along with doing live videos that were very helpful to the members. So by the way, if you are manifesting an SP, you should check that out if you can. In one of her videos, she said that she realized that when you want a specific person, an ex, it’s not that person that you want. Think about it, how in the world would you want someone who dumped you and treated you as if you’d never existed? Is that what you want? Of course not. What you want is a new person. In other words, you want a new version of that person, because trust me, you don’t that person who left you in the cold.

When you manifest that person back into your life it will be a new person. It has to be because as long as they are still the person who abandoned you, they won’t come back, or you wouldn’t want them back. The person that comes back should be different (a better version) than the person who left you.

This is why, as another person in the group mentioned in a post, you need to stop putting your awareness on the breakup, that breakup has to be totally done and over with. Instead, you need to put your awareness on your desired result, on your desired state. You need to live in the end of your NEW story with that person. That’s the only way you are going to manifest the new version of your SP. You may not be aware of this, yet, but as long as your play the old story in your mind, over and over, you are maintaining the old version of them, the version that dumped you. Thus, how could you manifest them back?

Another thing you need to start doing is to stop using the term “manifesting my SP” because this expression alone implies that you don’t have them at the moment.

If your external world hasn’t changed, yet, when it comes to manifesting your SP back, beware of the above-mentioned.

The same goes for any of your desires. If your focus is on the lack of such a desire, since you are not separated from it, you, by default, will manifest the lack of such desire. By focusing on lack you are creating such a lack. As the operant power, you are creating, by default, what you are focusing on, what your attention moved towards, whether you are doing it on purpose or not.

Stop Putting Your Desire on a Pedestal

A change of consciousness is necessary before you can change your outer world… You must want to be different, and intend to be, before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact. – Neville Goddard

Yesterday, during my weekly live on my membership Facebook group, I helped the members realize that what they desire so much is actually, nothing. Frankly, truthfully, what you want is not a big deal at all. How do we know that? Because they are millions of people who have, now, what you desire so much, but they totally take it for granted. They don’t make a big deal out of it.

What do people want? Well, we all want pretty much the same thing, don’t we? We want to be happy and be healthy, first of all. And then, we want a relationship and money. What’s the big deal about that? What’s the big deal about relationships? What’s the big deal about money? The only big deal is the one that you are making it a big deal. They are tons of people, right now, who have a relationship and money who are not happy.

Why is that the case? Because none of those things CAN make you happy on their own. But more importantly, those desires are not bigger than you, that’s why they cannot possibly MAKE you this or that. You, on the other hand, are the power behind those things that you desire. By simply shifting into the state where your desire exists, your desire has to confront you in your external world. But your external world is not the cause, YOU are the cause, your internal world is the cause. That’s why Neville said that a change of consciousness is necessary before you can change your outer world.

Your desires are really casual little basic things that many people have had and will have in this lifetime, and they should not be put on a pedestal. They are just states that you want to experience, they are just second causes. The cause/operant power behind them it’s you.

The more you dig into the law and go within, the better you will understand all of this. By the way, as I’m writing this, I just started a workshop titled Understanding the Law of Assumption 101 in my membership FB group. During the whole month of February, we are going to dig deeper into this amazing law to help you understand it better and rise in consciousness.

When you rise in consciousness, whatever desire you may have will manifest in your external world much more easily and effortlessly, because your desires are as close to you as your breath.


The post Why Your External World Hasn’t Caught up Yet? appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

How You Manifest One Thing is How You Manifest Everything https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/how-you-manifest-one-thing-is-how-you-manifest-everything/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-you-manifest-one-thing-is-how-you-manifest-everything Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:21:38 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=1001 Yes, how you manifest one thing is how you manifest everything. I feel that this article was needed because I have noticed, for a while now, that every time a video, a course, an article, or anything else… has the SP for a topic, it’s a sure thing that many more people will be watching,...

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Yes, how you manifest one thing is how you manifest everything. I feel that this article was needed because I have noticed, for a while now, that every time a video, a course, an article, or anything else… has the SP for a topic, it’s a sure thing that many more people will be watching, reading, or buying that.

What does that tell us?

Well, it shows that in the manifesting community, the majority of people still believe that there is a special formula to manifest a specific person and another for anything else. As a result, if a video is titled, How to Improve Your Imagination, or How to Get Unstuck, those videos which, of course, apply to manifesting an SP, might not be watched as much as if the video is titled, how to get your SP fast.

Well, if you’ve been thinking this way until now, that’s probably why you’re still after your SP in the first place. Manifesting an SP, a job, money, weight loss, health, a house, and anything else you may want, is the same thing. How you manifest one thing, is how you manifest everything.

There’s ONLY one way to manifest it all, and this is what we are going to discuss in this article. If you want to know the basics of manifesting once and for all, and you’re not sure what they are, be sure to read on.

Why Do People Land in the Law of Assumption Community?

There is no one to change but self, that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness, and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality. – Neville Goddard

Let’s be honest, most of us, landed in the law of assumption community because we wanted something or someone. The majority was after a specific person, (an ex, or someone they knew) which whom they wanted to have a romantic relationship. Many of those people are still after that specific person, and that’s OK. No matter the reason we discovered the law, it was a good reason because it brought us here. However, if after a few months, or maybe a few years of being in this community, your aim hasn’t changed, you might want to work on your self-concept.

Neville said, there is no one to change but self, and that self is your awareness. Your consciousness. Your I AM. And the world in which you live is determined by it, and it is dependent on the concept that you hold of yourself (your self-concept). And it is that self-concept that is reflected in our lives.

So, in the end, it’s not about getting things. Knowing the law is never about getting things, but about growing in consciousness to the point of understanding that we already are who we want to be.

Why do so many people still rush head first to the online content that contains the term SP or specific person? Because they are still in the race of getting while dismissing the most important factor, which is BECOMING who they want to be from within first, so what they want without, will come to them, instead of them running after it. As long as you do not understand this, you will be making your life harder than it needs to be.

How Do We Manifest?

The law of identical harvest or cause and effect is impersonal and can be used to bring into your experience anything you can conceive. – Neville Goddard

Are you still under the impression that there is one way to manifest something and another way to manifest something else? Are you still under the false impression that it’s any different to manifest a specific person and a job for example? Truth be told, there are even some coaches and teachers out there that would give you this impression, so they’re not helping the community, for sure. But that’s why you’ve landed on this blog, so you can drop all those limiting beliefs and start your journey as a limitless conscious manifestor.

To continue with our example of manifesting an SP vs a job, is there any difference? If you think that there is, it’s only your assumption, but as per the law, there is no difference. If you are manifesting a job, who is going to give you that job? Isn’t it someone specific? If you are manifesting money, unless that money falls from the sky, someone (a specific person) will be involved in giving you that money in one way or another, right? Even if you simply want to manifest a relationship with someone that you do not know, yet, at some point down the road, that person is going to be a specific person. So, pretty much anything that you manifest outside of your own body, involves someone specific.

The law is impartial, and it is no concern of the law what you manifest. The law will bring into your experience what you can conceive to be true.

If you are able to imagine and feel that you already have your desire NOW, and if you return to that state over and over until it feels real and natural, your desire will manifest, because it’s law.

On the other hand, if you keep thinking, as Neville said, “this is too good to be true, something will probably happen to spoil it. Something will probably happen to create conflict or to cause you to miss it entirely.”

This is the law, for every single one of our desires. No exception.

Why is it so Hard for Some?

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Matthew 9:16,17

So, if it’s that simple, why is it so hard for some to manifest their desires, and especially that infamous SP?

It’s because as long as you are in the business of getting things or people without understanding WHO YOU TRULY ARE, you are missing the point.

Do you understand the meaning of the scriptures above? It’s saying that the old doesn’t match well with the new. When you are trying to manifest the life of your dreams from your old concept of self, there is a mismatch, it’s not working.

When you are “trying” to manifest something new which belongs to your new self, or that requires that you become a new person first, from your old self, your desire will elude you somehow. In other words, you are still keyed too low for that desire that requires that you rise in consciousness to become part of your physical experience. And that rise in consciousness is part of the game. It’s part of the game of life that we learn to rise in consciousness so we can better understand who we truly are. And once that happens, you start seeing yourself as bigger and better, worthy of all the great things in the world, because no creation can ever be greater than its creator.

Once you become conscious of that, all your desires will come to you, you will never have to run after them again. The world will bend for you.


The post How You Manifest One Thing is How You Manifest Everything appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

Why Your Affirmations Are Not Working https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/why-your-affirmations-are-not-working/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-your-affirmations-are-not-working Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:15:07 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=963 Using affirmations to transform our inner conversations is most definitely one of the easiest ways to get the job done, because whether we know it not, or want to admit it or not, we do have inner conversations going on in our minds all day long. About ourselves, about other people, and about the world...

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Using affirmations to transform our inner conversations is most definitely one of the easiest ways to get the job done, because whether we know it not, or want to admit it or not, we do have inner conversations going on in our minds all day long. About ourselves, about other people, and about the world at large. So, if I affirm consciously, I simply choose my thoughts. Personally, I have fully transformed my self-concept through the use of affirmations to help me create a new story about myself.

However, over time, I’ve realized that many people are using affirmations in such was way that not only doesn’t help them at all, but they manage to turn their affirmations against themselves. So they feel ‘bad’ about affirmations.

Why is this the case and what can you do about it, if this is you? This is what we are going to discuss in this article. So, put your seat belt on, and be ready to understand what affirmations are like never before.

Why Are You Using Affirmations?

I think that the most important thing to understand about affirmations is that we are not using affirmations to change other people and events outside of us but to change the self. If you are still using affirmations to get something or someone while remaining in the state of lacking that something or someone, you have probably noticed that your affirmations haven’t changed anything. Maybe they even make you feel worse.

Every time someone asks me about what they should affirm to manifest this or that, I already know that they are going to use their affirmations the wrong way. And the reason I know is because if their affirmations came from the right place, they would know exactly what to affirm.

Your affirmations are simply a declaration of your wish fulfilled. If you don’t know what your wish fulfilled sounds like, it’s because you don’t FEEL it real. And if you do not feel it real, you don’t know what to affirm. Therefore, you ask someone else to formulate it for you.

Don’t try to figure out what’s the exact phrasing to manifest your desire. First, feel how it would feel to have it, and the words will follow naturally. That’s how you find your perfect affirmations that will become your inner conversations.

When you are using affirmations without doing inner work in parallel, that’s when the affirmations become robotic, useless phrases that you repeat without any conviction and with the wrong intention, which we’re going to discuss below.

Remember, you are using affirmations to change you from within, you’re not using affirmations to get things.

When Affirmations Don’t Work

You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. – At Your Command – Neville Goddard

If you are using affirmations to “get” something outside of you or to “force” yourself to believe, let me tell you right now that you are wasting your time. You cannot force anything, and there is nothing to get outside of you. If you’ve been affirming from that state, this is why you have not progressed with your affirmations. This is when people come to me saying that they’ve been affirming for months and months with very little to no results.

If you are saying I am rich, I am rich, while being in a state of lack, it won’t work for you. If anything, it could make you feel even more aware of the fact that you are NOT. Do people who are rich say, I am rich, I am rich all day long? No, they don’t. However, they FEEL rich; they KNOW that they are rich.

Let’s take whatever you are right now; do not try to convince yourself that you are THAT by saying that you are. If you are an accountant, do you have to affirm I am an accountant all day long? If you are married, do you have to affirm that you are? If you are healthy, do you affirm all day that you are?

This is what Neville was talking about in his quote above. If you are affirming anything from a place of NOT having it, more often than not, it’s only going to confirm that you are not that which you’re affirming.

If you’ve been affirming in such a way with no results until now, stop right now because you’re doing more harm than good.

Does that mean that you shouldn’t use affirmations to become what you want to become? No, it doesn’t mean that, but this is where you need to use affirmations the “correct” way. Because, yes, there is a way to overcome this issue, so you can use affirmations that are going to work amazingly well for you, rather than against you.

What to Do Before You Affirm?

There is no one to change but self; that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality. For there is no clear conception of the origin of phenomena except that consciousness is all and all is consciousness. – Neville Goddard

When we have a desire, it’s because our desire is making us feel a certain way, or we know that it will make us feel a certain way. On the other hand, we know what we don’t want because it makes us feel bad, and we don’t want that feeling anymore. In other words, we want to FEEL GOOD. Yet, how often do I hear people saying that their affirmations actually make them feel bad, nervous, or anxious? I’ve heard that many times.

Your affirmations make you feel bad when you are repeating statements, out loud or in your mind, from an opposite feeling/state. You are single and you feel the lack of your SP all day long, you keep thinking of them over there, far, far away, not caring about you while affirming that they love and want you, trying to force your desire to appear.

Or you are feeling poor, you’re anxious about your upcoming bills, you keep thinking about lack of money most of the day, but you are affirming I am wealthy, money comes to me easily in the “hope” of making money appear in your life. That’s when affirmations feel bad.

The best way to know if your affirmations work or not is to observe your recurrent beliefs and feelings. Have they changed? Do they agree with your affirmations? If not, then you are using affirmations in vain, as Neville said.

However, there is a way to use affirmations to work for you.

Use affirmations to plant a seed. When you plant a seed in the soil, you do not “try” to force that seed to grow. You can’t, anyway. You plant it, and you let it grow.

No matter what you do to change and improve your self-concept, remember that all your desires, no matter how outside of you they appear to be, are coming from you and are already yours. The desire is coming from you, the feeling is coming from you, the lack is coming from you, the love or lack thereof is coming from you. It’s ALL coming from you, and it’s all you. That’s why there is nothing to change but self.

If you have a desire, any desire, you already know what it FEELS to have it because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have the desire in the first place. So, first and foremost, before you affirm anything and before you visualize anything, feel how it feels to have your desire. Do not judge anything, just feel what it feels to be or have what you desire to be or have.

Then, and only then, affirm it to reinforce the feeling. To fully plant that seed and to water the seed until it’s grown.

How to Use Affirmations to Work for You?

Do not try to use affirmations from an opposite state because all you will be creating from that is pure frustration. Affirm as you’re planting a seed, with the intention that if you plant a seed, it will grow. And you plant it in good soil by working on your feelings along with it.

No matter what you do, do not ‘try’ to convince yourself with your affirmations, it never works. Even if you have not quite managed to feel the feeling of having your desire, it’s not an affirmation that’s going to convince you. And this is the biggest mistake that I see a lot of people make.

When you affirm, do not affirm while forcing anything or believing what you are affirming right away. More often than not, you won’t believe an affirmation that’s in total opposition to what you’ve been believing for years and decades. What matters when affirming is the intention with which you’re using your chosen affirmations. 

If I use an affirmation to create a new belief, I intend that the moment I affirm, I am planting a seed. From that moment something it’s taking effect. But I’m not forcing anything I intend, which is completely different. And each day, I water my seed by saying my affirmations to replace the old unwanted thoughts. But, again, I do not try to force myself to believe it. I’m just planting and cultivating my seed. When you plant a physical seed in the soil, you know that it’s not going to grow overnight because you know that the seed has to take root first, and then it will sprout. 

It’s the exact same thing with affirmations. You affirm with the intention to plant a new seed in your mind, with the knowledge that eventually it will sprout, but you do not try to FORCE anything because since there’s no way you CAN force anything, you would only create resistance against your own affirmations. This is the issue that I see a lot of people have, thus my decision to address it on all my platforms this week: here, my podcast, and my video.

And, please, don’t use affirmations to change something or someone outside of you. Your affirmations NEVER change anything out there; your affirmations are meant to change YOU and you only because they become your new thoughts and beliefs.

When used correctly, affirmations are replacing your unwanted and destructive thoughts. And since thoughts manifest in your physical world because they are part of your consciousness, your thoughts become your reality.

Affirmations Should be Fun

Affirmations should be fun, not a chore, not a must-do, or else list. None of that. If your affirmations don’t make you feel good, stop what you’re doing and start over with the right intention, as explained in this article.

Check your feelings and go to the source of those feelings. If you’re feeling bad, it’s because you’re dwelling in a state of resistance, the unwanted. But the moment you allow yourself to feel what it feels to have your desire, then the feeling will become evidence.

If you affirm that you are or have your desire from a state of fear that tells you otherwise, then affirmations become a chore and even painful. Instead, calm down and plant your seed, slowly but surely, while you allow yourself to feel the feeling of being and having your desire. Then use your affirmations with a smile on your face. Affirm with detachment, knowing that your seed has to grow because it’s law.

When you approach affirmations in such a way, you’ll be surprised at how quickly and easily your affirmations will reflect in your physical world.


The post Why Your Affirmations Are Not Working appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

How to Recreate a New Version of Someone https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/how-to-recreate-a-new-version-of-someone/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-recreate-a-new-version-of-someone Thu, 21 Oct 2021 12:20:25 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=940 As we’ve started a new Recreate Your SP workshop in my membership Facebook group, I thought that I would share some useful insights with you about this topic. The mistake that most people make when it comes to manifesting it’s that even though, for the most part, they know that this is not the law...

The post How to Recreate a New Version of Someone appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.


As we’ve started a new Recreate Your SP workshop in my membership Facebook group, I thought that I would share some useful insights with you about this topic.

The mistake that most people make when it comes to manifesting it’s that even though, for the most part, they know that this is not the law of attraction, but the law of assumption, they still feel that they attract things outside of them towards them. However, I’m here to tell you that if you still believe this it’s going to work against you. As a matter of fact, the more you are going to “try” to “get” things out there to come to you, the more those things are going to elude you. This is why so many people are failing to change their lives following the teaching of the law of attraction.

We do not change people and things, we change ourselves from within, and then people and things, which are us pushed out, will conform to our own transformation. Manifesting a new version of your SP is no different.

The Illusion of Free Will

You do not have to be concerned about influencing others as they are not the cause, your imaginal act is. You alone are doing it as your imaginal acts influence people. Everyone is yourself pushed out so when you imagine you are influencing yourself. – Neville Goddard

The first question that you need to ask yourself, is why your SP is showing up in the version that they are appearing in my 3D reality. Some teachers, even in the Neville Goddard/law of assumption community, are still believing that people have free will. The reason why they believe and teach that people have free will, it’s because they feel that if people didn’t have free will, they wouldn’t be a full-blown person with their own brain, intelligence, and feelings. But that’s not what it means when we say that people don’t have free will. Not having free will doesn’t mean any of that, and it doesn’t mean that people are not God of their reality. It simply means that in your world, people have no choice (no matter what you believe), but to act according to your expectations, beliefs, and overall assumptions.

Because there exist multiple versions of each one of us, depending on the state that we are dwelling in, we are going to manifest a matching version of that person or people. When I was in the state of being a loser who was always abandoned and betrayed by people, for all the years that I was dwelling in that state, I ONLY manifested the version of people that would betray and abandon me. Those people didn’t have free will in my reality.

When it comes to yourself, your free will ends in the state that you are dwelling in. If you are in the state of victimhood you won’t be able to take actions or manifest circumstances that will lead you to success. Not because success is impossible for you, but because success is impossible for you as long as you dwell in that state. Because success doesn’t exist in the state of victimhood. However, the moment you decide to step into the state where success does exist, then you will take inspired actions and manifest people and circumstances that contribute to your manifestation of success.

For those of you who are trying desperately to manifest a specific person from the state of being single, you are experiencing how difficult this is, aren’t you? This is not because you are single, but because you dwell in the state of being lonely and loveless while you are trying to reach out to someone over there that is separated from you. Thus, you feel all the pangs of being single, of not having your SP, and in worst-case scenarios, you’re feeling rejected by your SP. However, the moment you leave that state and embody the state of BEING and FEELING love within, feeling loved, wanted, and chosen, your SP will by default, choose you.

As long as you’re dwelling in this wanting, lacking, and even desperate state/version of yourself, you are manifesting your SP going away from you. Not because they want to, but because, by law, they have to. Their free will starts and ends with you. Your SP is not going to mirror what you want, but what you ARE. This is why, as Neville says, there is no one to change but self. Once you switch from lack to love, people will love you rather than run away from you. That includes your SP.

There are Many Versions of Every One

The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be, of already having what you desire. – Neville Goddard

There is more than one version of each one of us. You have, yourself, been in different versions at different times of your life. You are not the same version of yourself than when you were 10 or 20 years old. If you are much older than your twenty, you are no longer the version of you when you were in your twenties.

The belief that there is only one version of a person, it’s one of those 3D illusions. In fact, there is no such thing as just one version of a person.

In order to manifest your desired version of your SP, you need to remember that that version already exists, and you need to feel it natural. As per Neville’s quote above, to the degree of naturalness that you are going to feel it, it’s how fast you are going to see it in the 3D.

The problem that I have observed, though, when people want to create a new version of their SP, it’s that it’s more natural to them to see their SP in the old version, than it is to see them in their desired version. And this is the ONLY reason why it’s that old version that keeps on manifesting.

Versions of a person are basically states. Just like we are in different states throughout the course of a day, we are in different versions as well.

So, when you want to recreate the version of your SP, you have to imagine your SP in a different state. And just like imagining for another person’s health or wealth, when you imagine another version of your SP, YOU are the one doing the inner work, because your imagination manifests not just for you, but for others as well (because we are all one).

Recreating the version of your SP is forgetting the old version and remembering the version of them that you desire. And you need to STOP trying to change them, but rather fall in love with the new version of them.

The Necessity to Have Faith

It’s up to you to provide the necessary link between your assumption and its fulfillment. That link is faith. – Neville Goddard

The biggest challenge for the whole manifesting community is FAITH because it’s so much easier to have faith in the seen than it is in the unseen. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor 5:7

The reason why this is the case it’s because, when we were born, we agreed to forget who we truly are. So much so, that it’s obvious that some people alive today will live and die without ever remembering who they are in this lifetime. However, if somehow, you found the law of assumption and the teaching of Neville Goddard, and it resonated with you, it’s because you are ready for this amazing awakening.

Have faith that your SP desired version (no matter who is your specific person in your case), already exists. Because all possibilities already exist.

All Possibilities already exist right now. So, it’s not about creating or even “manifesting” anything, but it’s about CHOOSING the desired version of your specific person.

The 3D it’s like that infinite film roll archive with all the frames that will ever exist. If right now you are in a frame where the version of your SP doesn’t exist, that’s why you CANNOT see it. But the moment you step in that frame where it does exist, then you will be able to see it. You just have to choose it and step in it.

Recreating your SP is simpler than you think, but it requires faith in your imagination, more than faith in what you can see in the 3D. If you need help to manifest a new version of your SP, join us in our Facebook membership group.


The post How to Recreate a New Version of Someone appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

Are You Struggling to Manifest Your SP? https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/why-are-you-struggling-to-manifest-your-sp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-are-you-struggling-to-manifest-your-sp Thu, 02 Sep 2021 12:23:34 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=919 I had just one article dedicated to the topic of the sp on this blog, until now, because after all, this blog is about the law of assumption, not just about manifesting a specific person. Today, however, the topic of the sp is in the air because I will be starting a special manifesting your...

The post Are You Struggling to Manifest Your SP? appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.


I had just one article dedicated to the topic of the sp on this blog, until now, because after all, this blog is about the law of assumption, not just about manifesting a specific person. Today, however, the topic of the sp is in the air because I will be starting a special manifesting your specific person workshop, for the first time, in my VIP membership group. So I thought I’d dedicate a second article about manifesting a sp.

As much as we would like it not to be the case, many people who got to discover the law of assumption and the teaching of Neville Goddard got here because they were after a specific person, mostly an ex. And for most people, they find this task a difficult one. Some people have told me that they were able to manifest all kinds of things, money, jobs, vacations, even healing for others (both animals and people), while that sp is still resisting them.

No doubt that there’s something going on when it comes to manifesting that sp. This is why I have decided to create a brand new workshop to manifest your specific person. In this article, I am going to discuss why’s it’s been tough and give you an overview of what will be considered in the workshop.

The Truth About Manifesting a Specific Person

The truth about manifesting a specific person it’s that it’s easy. It’s as easy as anything else, because, in fact, no matter what you desire to manifest it’s going to include specific people. If you decide to manifest a free cup of coffee, well, someone will be moved to offer you that free cup of coffee. If you manifest a job, someone will be moved to give you that job. If you think about it, pretty much every time that you are going to consciously manifest something, someone, (a specific person), will be involved. So, why does it seem so much easier in such cases? The short answer is that’s because you are not so attached to the outcome.

Attachment is, by all means, the worst block between you and your sp. Being attached to an outcome makes it very difficult to manifest such an outcome.

What is Attachment?

Attachment to something or someone comes from neediness. We develop an attachment to what we feel that we need desperately, what we feel we can’t live without. However, neediness is a repeller, and thus, it will work against you if you need something or someone too much. I cannot tell you of a single sp success story that came from attachment, because manifesting your desire while being needy for that desire it’s like trying to mix oil and water, it just doesn’t go together. However, most of the sp success stories that I personally know of and the ones that we hear about in the manifesting community, come from letting go of such attachment.

What is Letting Go?

Letting go of your attachment doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your desire. This is a huge misunderstanding that goes around and that only confuses people. To let go is letting go of the neediness and the unhealthy attachment. No longer putting that person at the forefront while you’re putting your own life on the back burner. No longer putting your life on hold, basically, until you’re able to get that specific person in your life. The truth is that even if you did manifest your sp in such a state of mind, it wouldn’t be a success recipe to keep them, to say the least. In fact, it would be a good recipe to get back to square one in no time.

Releasing that attachment before you manifest your sp is not only going to be the number one helper to manifest them but to keep them as well.

Why has it Been Hard for You to Manifest Your SP?

If you react by feeling depressed or assume any other negative attitude, you will then experience the same type of rejection in the future. Your reactions, whether positive or negative, are creative of future circumstances. – Neville Goddard

One of the main reasons why it’s been so hard for you to manifest your sp, especially if they are an ex, it’s because the situation between you and them is loaded with emotional baggage, insecurities, fears, and all kinds of turmoil. And even though you have discovered the law of assumption through the teaching of Neville Goddard, you have not been able to stop playing the old story over and over, therefore, that story has been playing over and over in your physical world.

With such a recipe for disaster, one might wonder how in the world it would be anything but hard to manifest a SP while being in such a state. This is why dropping the old story is a must to manifest a specific person. Oftentimes, that includes both the old story between you and your sp and the story that you personally are entertaining about romantic relationships in general. In such case, you are going to have to take responsibility for your past and consciously remove all those cobwebs to start on the right track.

With this said, why don’t we take a look at what we will be learning and practicing in my upcoming Manifesting Your SP Workshop.

The Manifesting Your SP Workshop

Here is a quick overview at what will be considered in the workshop.

  1. You are going to get rid of all the wrong concepts that are running around on the internet about manifesting a specific person which are actually working against you right now if you fall for them.
  2. You are going to figure out your relationship patterns that are keeping you in that destructive circle for years.
  3. You are going to let go of neediness, attachment, and dependency, and become more confident and secure.
  4. You are going to reprogram your subconscious mind for a new relationship pattern.
  5. You are going to dissolve all blocks, so you can move forward as the God and Goddess that you are.
  6. You are going to have a full understanding of how we manifest a specific person and what’s going on on their end as you manfiest them. What to do and what NOT to do in this case.
  7. You are going to create an upgraded version of you not only to manifest your sp, but to keep them.
  8. You are going to get better in touch with the God and Goddess that their sp will be crazy about.
  9. You are going to discover my own knock-out affirmation rampage that helped me change my life from worst to best.
  10. You are going to know for sure what you really want.

If this sounds exciting for you, you can join the VIP Group, and start rolling on September 6th, 2021. If you do, it’s going to be great fun, great learning, and a huge change in consciousness. We are going to ROCK!


The post Are You Struggling to Manifest Your SP? appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

Everyone is You Pushed Out is Part of the Law https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/everyone-is-you-pushed-out-is-part-of-the-law/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=everyone-is-you-pushed-out-is-part-of-the-law Thu, 08 Apr 2021 15:01:57 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=759 I have already written an article on the subject of EIYPO (everyone is you pushed out) some 10 months ago when my blog was brand new, and I have to say that this is a very hot topic which struck a nerve for some. I even received a threatening message through my contact form on...

The post Everyone is You Pushed Out is Part of the Law appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

everyone is you pushed out part of the law

I have already written an article on the subject of EIYPO (everyone is you pushed out) some 10 months ago when my blog was brand new, and I have to say that this is a very hot topic which struck a nerve for some. I even received a threatening message through my contact form on this site from someone who had read my article and who apparently was very upset about this EIYPO topic. Interestingly, this type of behavior in itself shows that this very topic was them pushed out. So, whether or not we like it or want to accept it, this is a fact. We are everyone pushed out, and the reason that we are, it’s because it’s part of spiritual law and what we like to call “free will” is just an illusion as Neville said. This, also, seems to trigger lots of people, but it’s only because they do not understand it.

So, in this article, let’s dig a bit more in this all fascinating subject of everyone is you pushed out, so you can understand it at a deeper level.

EIYPO is Part of the Law

The whole vast world is yourself pushed out. All that you behold, though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow – Neville Goddard

Interestingly, there are even some Neville Goddard’s students who are teaching the law who do not believe that we are everyone pushed out, and the reason why they don’t it’s that 1) they have forgotten this quote from Neville (above) or misunderstood it, and 2) they have failed to reverse-engineered their own life to see the evidence of that fact.

I am not going to repeat what I already said in my other article on this subject, so I encourage you to go read it once you’re done with this one if you haven’t read it yet, but in short, if the whole world is yourself pushed out, it’s because every single person that you meet in your world is YOURSELF pushed out. They are YOU pushed out. The main reason for this it’s that our consciousness is the ONLY reality, which means that we cannot manifest anything or anyone outside of our own consciousness. And even what seems to be other human beings which are separated from us, they are showing up in our world to play a role, and the role that they are going to play has to be in accordance with the content of our consciousness. Once you get that, the subject of EIYPO becomes clear and non-negotiable.

During my live Q & A on my paid Facebook group, yesterday, someone asked the question, “how does EIYPO work with other conscious manifesters? For example: if we were to meet in my reality, would you be an EIYPO version of Sylviane, while keeping your power in Your reality? How does all of this work between conscious manifesters?

My answer to this question was, yes, absolutely. No matter who that person is, conscious or unconscious manifestor, that person will be YOU pushed out. As an example, a few months ago, I had a client who I found out had a strong assumption that she was always disappointed and let down by people. Well, that assumption played out on me the first day I was supposed to call her for our coaching session. Even though I was aware that I had that client that morning, for some unexplainable reason, I had forgotten about her and didn’t call her for her session, which resulted in her being disappointed and let down, so she could send me an email to let me know about that. Thankfully, everything ended well, and that client even got another session with me later on feeling so much better about herself. But the point is that since like anyone else, I do not have free will, I had to play the role that she had me play in her reality, which was to disappoint her and make her feel let down. Thankfully she doesn’t feel this way anymore at all, so she won’t ever have anyone play that role ever again in her reality.

This example is an excellent demonstration of what EIYPO means. It is part of the law and none of us, whether we are the manifestor or the manifestee can escape this fact.

How People’s Behavior Toward You is a Reflection of You

As I said many times before, throughout my content on my videos, podcasts, and other articles, one of the best ways to learn about the law and to learn about ourselves in regards to the law is to reverse engineer our life. Once you go back to your own history you can see very clearly how you created your world and all the people in it. When I discovered the teaching of Neville Goddard and the law of assumption, I could see how my thoughts and assumptions about people had created the very behaviors that I feared and abhor from them, for the many years before I became aware of the law.

My poor concept of self along with my assumptions based on such a poor self-concept had been affecting all my relationships. Not just my romantic relationships, but my friendships, the people I worked with, my bosses, my neighbors… everyone. All the people that were part of my reality had no choice but to play the role that I had given them to play according to the content of my consciousness or awareness. Interestingly, when I started working seriously on my self-concept and self-love, all the people that I was meeting started to react very differently toward me. Just as it was true with my old self, it is true, now, with my new self. People in my reality are just playing the role that my conception of self is giving them to play. The rules have not changed, but “I” have changed.

So, keep this in mind at all times. Any time that someone is acting in a way that is not your preference, ask yourself the question, what is it in me that has manifested such behavior? That person who is acting a certain way towards you is just a reflection of your concept of self, and they have to choice but to play the role you have given them.

Once you change YOU from within by telling yourself a new story, the behaviors of other people around you will reflect that. I can’t count how many people have told me how changing their story and their self-concept have completely changed their lives and the behavior of others in their world. If you do this, you too will be experiencing an amazing shift in your reality.


The post Everyone is You Pushed Out is Part of the Law appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

Do We Have Free Will? https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/do-we-have-free-will/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=do-we-have-free-will Thu, 11 Mar 2021 13:36:09 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=703 The subject of free will is definitely one of the most misunderstood concepts of the law of assumption. And with so many “law of attraction” coaches that present themselves as experts, saying that people do have free will, certainly emphasize the confusion. So, even though I’ve already written on the topic of free will before,...

The post Do We Have Free Will? appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

do we have free will

The subject of free will is definitely one of the most misunderstood concepts of the law of assumption. And with so many “law of attraction” coaches that present themselves as experts, saying that people do have free will, certainly emphasize the confusion. So, even though I’ve already written on the topic of free will before, in this article, I wanted to discuss it a little bit deeper for a full circle on this topic.

The Illusion of Free Will

The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based. Neville Goddard

As you’re waking up in the morning you have the free will to decide if you want to get out of bed or not. Then, if you decide to get out of bed, you have the free will to decide what you want to wear and what you want to have for breakfast. You have the free will to be kind or to be rude to people, you have the free will to go for a walk or to go for a ride. You even feel that you have the free will to go for a particular career or job, and so forth. But even those smilingly choices are based on something much bigger than them, they are based on the STATE that you are in. Because the state that you are in will determine what actions you are going to take. In other words, the state that you are in will push itself out in your external world. And from there, the seemingly free will that you have is just an illusion as Neville said.

So, in the end, even the smallest actions that we take every day based on our “free will” are dictated by the state we are dwelling in.

In my last podcast where I was discussing states, I mentioned how once upon a time I inherited some money. However, because I had never left the state of being broke and the state of lack that I was in, that money that I could have multiplied by taking the right actions, was actually completely gone in about 4 years, leaving me even worst than before. Why did that money disappear rather than grow? Because from the state of lack that I was in, I kept making wrong decisions both for my business and other things. It would have appeared that I had the free will to make the decisions I made, but I didn’t. The truth is that I could ONLY make decisions based on my state of lack and being broke. That state drove me to take the wrong step every time, so I could get rid of that money as fast as possible. And I did.

This is how it works for everything and for every state. You are under the impression that you have free will, but you don’t. Your free will is one hundred percent dependent on your state. And you can’t possibly take action based on a state that you’re not in. This is why the state you’re in is of the utmost importance.

Do Other People have Free Will?

You do not have to be concerned about influencing others, as they are not the cause. Your imaginal act is! Those who have a billion dollars are not causing your world. You and you alone are doing it, and your imaginal acts influence people. Everyone is yourself pushed out, so when you imagine, you are influencing yourself. Neville Goddard

You are not forcing anyone to do anything. You are not influencing anyone. But, by law, people have no choice but to project your thoughts and beliefs back to you. The reason why this is the case it’s because they don’t have any free will. People in your reality don’t have free will. Not because we’re saying so, but because this IS so.

When you began that beautiful relationship with your sp, they were head over heels in love with you, but then that sp dumped you just a few months later for no logical reasons. This is the perfect illustration that people in your reality don’t have free will. In this case, you can see very clearly that your specific person doesn’t have any free will, but to play the role that you have given them.

Did you give them the role to leave you consciously? No, of course not, but you’ve given them that role according to the state you were dwelling in. Because you were dwelling in a state of not being good enough in all its multiple facets, you’ve manifested your partner getting colder and colder to the point of not wanting to be with you anymore. And one day, boom, your imaginal act hardened into fact, and they left.

Back then, you had no idea about what was unfolding behind the scene, but looking back, after having discovered the law of assumption thanks to your painful experience, you were able to trace back your thoughts and frame of mind, and now, you can fully understand what happened.

If instead of being in a state of not being good enough, you had been in a state of being complete, loved, and desired…, your sp wouldn’t have and couldn’t have acted the same way they did according to your state of not being good enough. This doesn’t only apply to our romantic partners, by the way, it applies to everyone in your reality. People in our reality will always mirror the content of our consciousness.

Every One Is YOURSELF Pushed Out

As Neville said, in the quote above, everyone is yourself pushed out, so when you imagine, you are influencing yourself, and by influencing yourself, you are influencing others by default. It is not a matter of deciding that you don’t want to influence people and believe that they do have free will, because THE LAW will contradict you. We influence people by default because of what we are imagining. Other people are never to blame, our imagination is. When people act a certain way towards you, you are the source of it.

As I have mentioned several times before in my content, I was the queen of creating people who betrayed me, abandoned me, disappointed me, and took advantage of me in one what or another. I had embodied the state of being a victim. So, for decades, I was the victim of people in my reality, never realizing that I was doing it to myself. I had created the subconscious belief, as a child, that people were not to be trusted and could be harmful, so they were. People in my reality had no choice but to play the role I gave them.

However, today, having embodied a completely different state, I do no longer create those behaviors. I do no longer imagine myself to be a victim, therefore, I am no longer one.

Your SP is Waiting for YOU

To attempt to change the world before we change our inner talking is to struggle against the very nature of things. Man can go round and round in the same circle of disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them as caused by his own negative inner talking, but as caused by others. Neville Goddard

Every day I read people’s messages, emails, and other comments that imply that their sp is eluding them. But no one is eluding you but YOURSELF. The main reason why you’re not with your sp right now, it’s because you are dwelling in an opposite state from that which you need to be in order to manifest the relationship that you want. Your inner talking, your thinking, and your feelings are not matching your desire. This is the reason why you have the illusion that your sp is avoiding you, but the cause comes from within you.

So, if you want to be with your specific person, you need to start BEING with them in your imagination by embodying the state of being in that relationship. Once you embody a state within, your external world will match that state. Right now, you may believe that it’s up to your sp to come towards you, but the truth is that it’s YOU who is preventing them because you are not dwelling in a state that matches your desire to be with them. Thus, THEY, being YOU pushed out, have no choice but to be where you are keeping them. That situation is not caused by them, no matter how strong the illusion. It is caused by you. The moment you embody the state of your desire fulfilled, your state will harden into fact in your physical world. It will because it is law.

The power is within you. How you and other people react in your physical world is all controlled by your imagination. So just go there, and imagine what you want to be and have, and dwell in that state as much as possible. And no matter what your 3D circumstances look like at the moment, your inner world will externalize according to what you are imagining, regardless of any so-call free will, whether it’s your own or that of others.


The post Do We Have Free Will? appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

Manifesting is a Spiritual Journey https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/manifesting-is-a-spiritual-journey/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=manifesting-is-a-spiritual-journey Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:51:37 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=564 Many of you have discovered the teaching of Neville Goddard because you were in a search for a specific person, namely a lover or ex-partner that you wanted back in your life. And if you still are manifesting that specific person with a desperate need to do so, you may be missing the point completely....

The post Manifesting is a Spiritual Journey appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

manifesting is a spiritual journey

Many of you have discovered the teaching of Neville Goddard because you were in a search for a specific person, namely a lover or ex-partner that you wanted back in your life. And if you still are manifesting that specific person with a desperate need to do so, you may be missing the point completely.

The reason I decided to write on this topic it’s because I see so many people in the manifesting community being so focused on that, that they are completely forgetting themselves in the process. If you are doing this, then you are missing the point, and this article is for you.

It is Not About a Specific Person

It was never about your sp. Yes, you did land on the manifesting/law of assumption community because you wanted to get the love of your life back, but this was just an excuse for you to discover who you truly are, because your world is YOUR consciousness out, not that of your sp no matter how much in love you are with them, no matter how much you feel that you are meant to be together, and no matter how much you believe that you are soulmates.

The reason why you discovered this teaching that is still eluding most people walking the earth it’s because YOU were ready for this. Nonetheless, your human-self, being what it is, might have gotten in the way forcing you to focus too much on outer results and not enough on spiritual growth. However, the truth is that if you take on that spiritual awakening journey, every single of your desires will fall in your lap.

Learn to Go Within to Manifest

A very common mistake that I see in the manifesting community it’s that a lot of people are trying to fix their problems from without when the root of the problem comes from within. A good example of this it’s when people get panicky when they have a dream contrary to their desire. More often than not it’s about a specific person. They do not understand how dreams work so they get all confused and even disturbed by dreams that they sometimes even take literally.

When a dream is to be taken literally, you will never question it, you will know. I’ve had a couple of such dreams in my life and they feel totally different. I promise you that you’ll never confuse such a dream with a regular dream. On the other hand, when you have “regular” dreams, which are much more common, even if you don’t feel good about them, you know they are just dreams. The reason why they do not match your desire it’s simply because those dreams are giving you a hint that your subconscious beliefs do not quite match your desires yet. In such a case, instead of feeling sad and depressed about it, simply take this as a sign that you have to keep on working on yourself. And if you persist in doing this, your dreams are bound to match your desires eventually.

The one thing not to do, however, is to dwell on a bad dream for the better part of your day, because if you do, all you are going to get from this is more reaffirming dreams that you are not mentally and emotionally aligned with your desire. That’s how we create vicious cycles that are so hard to get out of. You keep on feeling a certain way, then this is confirmed by your subconscious mind in the form of dreams. And then, you are disturbed by the dreams which you are replaying in your head again and again in your waking hours.

In order to break this vicious cycle, you need to understand that everything in your world comes from you, including your dreams, and your dreams are not meant to control you. Your dreams are just pointers to show you where you are and it’s up to you to change that by changing your story and your mental diet. Remember that the whole world is yourself pushed out.

If your overall feelings and emotions are still on the negative side, it’s up to you to make the decision to change that. Being on a spiritual journey is about change. If there was no change there would be no spiritual growth. And spiritual growth means understanding our human self from within. Since we are in this body and as long as we are in this body our spirituality will always be linked to our human self whether we like it or not. But that’s OK. Being on a spiritual journey doesn’t mean not being human with human feelings. Being spiritual just means that we understand and manage those feelings better.

If you are still emprisoned by negative feelings and emotions, ask yourself the honest question, why do I still feel this way?

Do you still feel abandoned? Do you still feel betrayed? Do you still feel hurt? Do you still feel not good enough? Do you still feel not deserving? If you still feel any of those things or any similar emotions, this is why your dreams and waking 3D life are not to your liking. And this is why you need to see them as friends rather than foes. Both dreams and circumstances in 3D are just showing us where we stand mentally and emotionally.

You need to go to the source of those negative feelings and ask yourself the question, why do I still feel this way? Unless you go to the source and answer that question, your specific desires may still elude you. So, whether you do it on your own, or you decide to ask for help for this, this is part of your spiritual growth and journey.

But again, at the end of the day, it’s all about YOU, and unless you heal you, there is no specific person, or money, or job and career on earth that will make YOU feel better. You may be under that illusion, but I promise you that’s just an illusion. You are the operant power, yes, but this means that it’s ‘all-inclusive’ since everything in your 3D comes from you.

Your Desire is YOU and You are Your Desire

Do not go seeking for that which you are. Those who go seeking for love only make manifest their own lovelessness and the loveless never find love. Only the loving find love and they never have to seek for it – Neville Goddard

I don’t think that there is a single manifesting coach that has not said or written plenty of times that the ONLY way to manifest love or your specific person is through understanding and practicing self-love, self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence, and everything that’s included in what we call self-concept. And the keyword to notice in self-concept and all that it includes is the word SELF. Unless you work on YOUR-SELF your desires, including if it is another person will keep eluding you. As Neville beautifully said in the quote above seeking love only manifest lovelessness. This is true because if you are seeking love outside of you to feel loved, then you are not loving YOUR-SELF. On the other hand, when you learn how to truly love YOU, love is bound to seek you. As within, so without.

The reason why so many people are afraid to focus on loving themselves it’s because they have the erroneous belief that if they put the focus on THEM-SELVES, their sp will go away. But this is also a vicious cycle that so many in the manifesting community fall into. If this is what you believe, then you couldn’t be more wrong. Focusing on YOU and your self-concept not only will help you manifest your sp faster, but it’s the BEST way to manifest them back and the ONLY way to keep them for good.

So, don’t go seek outside for what you are lacking inside. Go within and practice self-love to the point that not only you will feel better about yourself and truly love yourself, but you are going to be a magnet for love whether you are manifesting a new person or an ex-partner.


The post Manifesting is a Spiritual Journey appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.

It’s Already Done! https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/its-already-done/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=its-already-done Thu, 29 Oct 2020 18:43:07 +0000 https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/?p=557 If you’ve landed on this article, you are probably familiar with the phrase, it’s already done! But how many of you really, truly believe it when it comes to your desire? Maybe you understand the concept intellectually, but you don’t truly believe it. So, what does it mean exactly when we say it is already...

The post It’s Already Done! appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.


If you’ve landed on this article, you are probably familiar with the phrase, it’s already done! But how many of you really, truly believe it when it comes to your desire? Maybe you understand the concept intellectually, but you don’t truly believe it. So, what does it mean exactly when we say it is already done and how this can improve your faith in manifesting? In the article, I will attempt to answer this question.

All Possibilities Already Exist

Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation. – Neville Goddard

Another popular statement that you have probably read and heard in the manifesting community it’s that creation is finished. But do you really understand what it means? Creation is finished means that whatever scenario, whatever situation, whatever plan, whatever inanimated object you can imagine, already exists. If it didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be able to imagine it in the first place. The only reason that you can imagine it it’s because there is a reality where what you want and imagine already exists.

All the possibilities already exist, and it’s by using your imagination and thoughts that you are making it true for you. In your imagination it’s done, so your desire is done. Actually, you don’t even have to do anything else but believe that it is. In fact, since you are the operant power, you are the only one who can decide that you do not want to choose that outcome. More times than not, you’re doing this unwillingly, because you do have a desire, but by having doubts, fears, and other resistance, you are choosing the absence of your desire rather than its manifestation.

All possibilities already exist means that depending on what you are going to imagine, you will choose one of all the possibilities that are available to you. To take the all-time popular subject of a specific person, let’s say that you want to manifest the love of your life, whether it’s an ex or someone new, all the possibilities about that person already exist. That person could end up marrying you, that person could end up with someone else, that person could end up single for the rest of their life, and many other possibilities… Now, YOU, by imagining your wish fulfilled, you are going to activate the possibility that you imagine, among many others. You are going to say to your God-Self, OK, I choose this possibility. And since that possibility already exists, it is yours. And it is yours the moment that you choose it.

You Don’t Have to Lift a Finger

If you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. That is the law. – Neville Goddard

All the different techniques that we use and practice to manifest our specific desires are just helpers. That’s all they are. We need helpers because we are “man of little faith” as the Bible says. We do not believe easily that we can be and have whatever we want. We were born and grew up in a faithless society that has been totally caught up in the shadow world, so it is no wonder that even when we come to these teachings, we come with very little faith in the power that we have and who we truly are. Our minds have been trained to believe that life is tough, that we need to work hard to get what we want, that we can’t have it all, that there is such a thing as “too good to be true,” and all such limiting beliefs that we have been raised to believe. So, it is no wonder that when we come to the teaching of the law of assumption, we have to overcome many doubts at best.

Even among the manifesting crowd, there are still some people who do not believe that we can manifest a specific person, for example. Just this past week I got an anonymous message through my website form from someone telling me to stop teaching people that we are everyone pushed out, saying that Neville Goddard never taught that, even though Neville did say, the whole world is yourself pushed out, and everybody knows that when we talk about the world we are talking about people who live in it. But the “lack of faith” of those people is blinding them and they cannot fathom that they can manifest and even create a person’s qualities and behaviors. Not only we can, but the manifesting community is full of hundreds of specific person stories that prove it. So, even if Neville had not taught that we do know that it’s a fact, regardless. If it wasn’t possible, it wouldn’t even come to mind.

Whether you want to manifest a specific person, money, health, a car, a house, living in another country, etc. the moment that you have the desire for it, it is already done. It is already yours. By having the desire, you’re saying, I want this, I am choosing this. And unless you create a resistance to it, it is on it’s way to you, because it is done.

You might be thinking, this is great, but then, why is it that I have a desire and can’t seem to be able to manifest it?

Why is Your Desire Resisting You?

Every moment of your life, consciously or unconsciously, you are assuming a feeling. – Neville Goddard

The reason why you’ve not been able to manifest your desire for weeks, months, or even years, it’s because of the very fact that all the possibilities already exist. So, you, by choosing a certain feeling, or state you are going to manifest its match, even if you’re doing it more unconsciously than consciously. So, a feeling a lack will manifest more lack. A feeling a doubt will manifest doubt. A feeling of not having will manifest not having.

So, again, to take the example of manifesting a specific person, if you have such feelings, as mentioned above, you are choosing the ‘possibility’ of the version of your SP being cold, distant, or even totally absent. So they have no choice but to be cold and distant towards you, because you have unintentionally opted for that possibility, and therefore you are manifesting that option.

When you have a desire, it’s like you are sending your order, I want this, but then, every time you doubt, you are sending the message, hold on on that order, I’m not ready. And as the operant power that you are, that order will be held until you are ready to release your resistance. This is why you have probably noticed that when you have a desire or send an intention to which you have zero resistance it lands on your laps in no time because you’re not putting a hold on that desire.

This is what living in the end is all about. When do you order something (a purchase), you make your order, and then you know that it will be sent to you. All have to do is wait until you receive it. But while waiting, you do not say, where is my order? I hope that my order is coming? How can I be sure it’s coming? You do not do that, because you know that it’s coming, you are actually living in the end of getting that order. This is exactly what you need to do with your desire.

It’s already done, means just that your desire is yours. All possibilities that you can imagine already exist and all you have to do is pick and choose which one you want. This is why manifesting is easy and effortless. Only we make it hard at times because we are getting in our own way with our fears and doubts. Just let go of the fear and release the doubts and your desire will harden into fact.


The post It’s Already Done! appeared first on Manifesting With Sylviane.
